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The Washington BRIDGE Education Foundation could not be successful without support from you. Your generosity will allow us to fill student grants, teacher grants, and provide educational experiences to students of all academic levels. The majority of the Foundation’s funding is provided by gifts and grants from individuals, local businesses, corporations, service clubs, foundations and memorial contributions. We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, tax ID / EIN: 81-1922341

There are many easy ways to donate to the Washington BRIDGE Educational Foundation!

Image by micheile henderson



(disregard the phone number verification)


Friend of Bridge

Become a Friend of Bridge

by donating over $100

and receive a Friend of Bridge shirt

Colorful Envelopes

Donate by Mail

Mail check payable to Washington Bridge Education Foundation

    Washington Bridge Education Foundation

200 Walnut St.

Washington, IL 61571


Business Sponsorship

To learn more about our sponsorship levels, click here:

Image by Nathana Rebouças

Online Donation

Click here:

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Matching Gifts

Does your employer offer a Matching Gift Program? Please consider submitting your donation for matching. 

Click here for more information including the Caterpillar matching gift process.


Create a Named Scholarship

In addition to our general donations, donors are now able to create Named Scholarships, funded annually or by endowment, established in honor of an individual, group, organization or business.


Examples: The Bill Smith Family Award,  Class of 2025 Award, etc... 

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